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Friday, October 8, 2010

Southern delivery update as of 10/8/10 eve

George called this evening after making his last for the day. He is in Arkansas for the night. He has one more delivery in Arkansas tomorrow then he is off to deliver to North Carolina. He is on schedule. I thought I’d post his phone # for easy reference: 503-703-8875.

I asked George how the day went. He said he went through some very beautiful country that he has never seen before as he has always done the Northern delivery route for the past few years. He also said he had a near accident as there were pallets that were in the middle of the road and the person ahead of him ran over them and blew out her tires. Fortunately George was in the other lane and missed them but he said it got his heart going. You just near know what you are going to run into while on the road.

Next update is tomorrow.


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