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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Preparing for kidding season!


Kidding season is just 8 weeks away! We can hardly wait!

Over the last several weeks we have been cleaning out pen and paddock areas, fixing panels and feeders and making sure we have all of our kidding supplies for this 2010 kidding season.

George hauled over 400 bales of hay this week so our barns are full, that is such a good feeling!

Last week we hoof trimmed and de-wormed all of our bucks. They also received their annual CDT vaccination. They are now done so we can now focus our attention on the girls.

This week we have started hoof trimming our Does. We will wrap up the hoof trimming over the next week.

February 17th will be our annual voluntary scrapie-free flock inspection done by Federal Veterinarian, Dr. Silberman. We have been a VSFCP Certified flock since 2006.

Last year we joined the export monitoring program and we are now able to ship to Canada. Contact us if you would like more info about shipping to Canada.

Since we will have all of our animals rounded up Feb. 17th, we will use this time to CDT vaccinate and de-worm our Does. This will be the perfect time as they will be at the 4-6 week time frame before kidding starts.

April 17th the Golden Fleece 4H Club will be coming up for a "hands-on" kidding day where they will be involved in the day to day activities that go on during kidding season.  They will be taking care of new born kids and their moms and hopefully be able to see babies being born too!  It's a fun learning experience! 

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