Thank you for visiting our Pygora blog

We hope that you come back often to see what is going on around our ranch!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Happy Sweet 16 Birthday, Sitka!

We all took a time out yesterday from the fluffy of baby goats to celebrate Sitka's 16th Birthday.  Sitka enjoy her bran muffin birthday cupcakes.

Kidding season is in full swing!  We had 31 kids born yesterday for a total of 69 kids so far.   A HUGE THANK YOU to Julie, Jessie, Morgan, and Erika for all the help yesterday.  By the end of the evening, all 31 kids and mommas were happily tucked away in their pens.

It is a busy time right now so I will try to give a brief update every few days.  You would like to contact me, I can be reached via e-mail, text (503-539-02950 or facebook 

Take care, Lisa

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Our 1st 2011 Pygora kids have arrived!

During my night time barn check last night, I was surprised by tiny little squeeky noises coming from the back of the barn. It was our Pygora goat, Fudgesicle,with 2 very curly twin boys! Fudgesicle is the first Doe to kid on our farm this year. She has been the first on to kid 3 times in the last 5 years.That’s all for now. Check out our website or facebook page as I will be giving updates along the way.
Take care, Lisa

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Annual Scrapie audit done.

Hi Everyone!

Wednesday, 3/9, we had our annual Scrapie audit. Once again, the department of Agriculture has certified us as a Scrape-free herd.
After the Scrapie audit, we spent the rest of the day shearing goats. The momma goats are in great shape under all that winter fleece!
Kidding time is almost here! The momma goats are getting bigger by the day. Soon baby goats will be bouncing around the farm!
Our first kids should arrive around March 19th and continue through the middle of April. I have a very good feeling that this will be our be our best year ever.  I’m feeling very prepared for the first arrivals. All pen cards are printed out and ready to be filled out as the kids arrive. Kidding bags are all put together stuffed with supplies.  Some local school kids have volunteered to come up and spend some nights with us during Spring break. This will be a heavy kidding time for us. It is always really exciting for the kids and I to share this experience.
 We are now on facebook. If you would like to see photos of the baby kids as they are born, we will be posting photos on facebook. You can find our facebook page at:
That’s all for now. I will be giving updates along the way.  
Take care, Lisa